Volgograd State Medical University
welcome to Volgograd
State Medical University.
Location: Volgograd State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd, 400131

Found in 1935, Volgograd State Medical University is among the 10 best medical universities of Russia with a long tradition of doctors training.
Since 1962 international students study at our University. Today more than 4500 specialists with the VSMU diploma work in 127 countries of the world.
Among our famous alumnis there are: Dr. Jiri Mashtalka, Member of the European Parliament; Prof. Tolno Sandy Kola, Chief Cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of Guinea; Dr. Moamar Al-Jefout, MD,Ph.D., president of the Asian Society of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis, Mutah University, Jordan; Dr. Najirul Amin, Member of the Tamil Nadu State Parliament in India; and Dr. Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen, Member of the Sarawak State Parliament in Malaysia.
In 2020 the University celebrated its 85th Anniversary. Our Professors are well-known not only in Russia, but in the whole world due to their significant contribution to the development of practical and functional medicine.
If you want to connect your future with medicine, you have an opportunity to continue the traditions of our University to get deep knowledge, master high professional skill and work for the benefit of people’s health. We would be delighted to welcome you here!
The VSMU Pharmacological Scientific School is also well-known all over the world. Our Professors have made a significant contribution to the creation of a number of well-known medicines.
Professor Vladimir Shkarin
- General Medicine
- Dentistry
- Pediatrics
- Pharmacy
- Medical Biochemistry
- Social Work and Clinical Psychology
- Preparatory Department for foreign listeners

More than 2000 international students
- TOP-10 among the best medical universities of Russia with a long tradition of doctors training
- 2nd place by the number of foreign students among medical universities of Russia
- More than 4500 specialists with the VSMU diploma work in 127 countries of the world
- More then 2000 international students in 2022
- 1100 trainers of 87 Departments
- 573 PhD Professors
- 161 2nd Phd Professors
International Accreditation
The University is included in the list of medical universities of the world recognized by the World Health Organization
- General Medicine
- Dentistry
- Pediatrics

Personal Approach
- Volgograd State Medical University drifts towards integrated curriculum rather than traditional, discipline-based curriculum.
- VSMU implements innovative teaching methods:
- Problem-based learning (PBL),
- Journal club and evidence-based medicine (EBM).
- VSMU has up to 9 students in a class.

Research Divisions
- Cardiology
- Trauma and Orthopaedics
- Surgery
- Pharmacology
- Endocrinology
- Gasteroenterology
- Therapy
- Reproductive Health
e-Medical Education Centre
- simulation rooms
- virtual operating rooms
- procedure and observation rooms
- intensive care and specialist rooms
- outpatient specialist rooms
Pyatigorsk Medical And Pharmaceutical Institute
from 66 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America
201 Phd professors, 401 Dr of Sciences
from Syria, Yemen, Morocco and Vietnam
Scientific Center Of Innovative Medicines With Pilot Production Of Volgograd State Medical University
This is a training and practice base for research and development of new domestic antiviral, antitumor, cardioprotective and other medicaments.
Research focus on pharmacokinetics, morphopharmacology, pharmacology of cardiovascular medicine, hemostasis, metabolic medicament genomic and post-genomic technologies and genetic control, cell technologies, neuropsychotropic medicine, electrophysiological studies, toxicology, computer medicament modelling, digital medicine and artificial intelligence.
Volgograd pharmacological scientists have a powerful base for conducting their research and approbation of original innovative developments of pharmaceuticals.

In recent years, the VSMU scientists are creating exoskeletons. Among such developments: the first in Russia system of passive exoskeleton of the upper limbs EXZAR-34, as well as a exoskeleton of the lower jaw which has a certificate “100 best inventions of Russia”.
– Prof. Dr. Alexander Vorobyev
MD, PhD, DrSci, Honoured Scientist of Russia
Research Center Of Reproductive Medicine
Infertility, the effectiveness of art, the preservation of fertility
- Primature ovarian failure – prediction and risk factors
- Poor ovarian response mechanisms and predictive models
- Ovarian geroprotection and perspectives to restore the ovarian reserve
- Abacterial prostatitis and infertility
- “Protection of reproductive health of children of the Volgograd region” sanitary and educational work
(with financial support from the Presidential grants fund of the Russian Federation)
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- Embryology
- Pathophysiology
- Gynecology
- Urology
- Genetics
- Biology
- Edidemiology
- Endocrinology
- Sociology
- Psychology
Recent Diabetes Care Research
- Research in evaluation of the efficacy and safety of MEDI0382 in the treatment of overweight and obese patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
- A double-blind, randomized 3-phase study to assess the efficacy and safety of Ipraglyflozin in combination with Metformin in combination with placebo in patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Russia with insufficient control of glycemia on Metformin.
- A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center, event-based study of the effect of canaglyflosin on the outcome of cardiovascular disease and renal failure in patients with Type 2 Diabetes and diabetic nephropathy.