About Us

FindMed Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.

Know More About Us!
The Best Firm

At FindMed Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., we are dedicated to facilitating aspiring students in their journey towards higher education in Russia. Established in 2023, our company is committed to providing comprehensive consultancy services tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of each student.

With a strong foundation in education and international relations, our team at FindMed Consultancy brings together years of experience to guide students through the intricate process of university admissions in Russia. We understand that pursuing higher education abroad can be a life-altering decision, and our goal is to make this transition as smooth and rewarding as possible.

The future is reserved for those who have faith in the splendor of their dreams.

Our Values

Find more about us and how we help you with making your dreams a reality.

Our Impact In Numbers
We Care!

With increasing numbers of students associated with us for MBBS abroad and their excellent reviews, Findmed Consultancy is India’s fast growing and trusted partner for facilitating medical education over the seas.







365 Days

Dedicated Support

Directors Of The

Sulochana Devi

Director, FindMed

Dear Medical Aspirants, Congratulations on choosing a career in medicine! It's a challenging yet incredibly fulfilling path where you have the power to positively impact countless lives. Believe in yourself, persevere through challenges, and never lose sight of the difference you can make. Best wishes on your incredible journey!

Abhay Kumar

Director, FindMed

Dear Medical Aspirants, As the Director of our consultancy, I want to assure you that we are here to support you every step of the way. We are dedicated to providing you with the guidance, resources, and assistance you need to navigate through the complexities of pursuing a medical career.

Dreams Coming True

What Makes Us Your Perfect
Partner For MBBS in Russia?

Experience and transparency are the two aspects of our work that make us a unique and most preferred choice among the students of India who wish to study MBBS in Russia. We work with utmost proprietary towards assisting and facilitating the students at each and every step until they reach their final destination.

Developed by Hitesh K.